Who we Are

Cameroon Women in Action Society (CAWAS) is a non-profit Organisation with authorization N° 008/E.29/1111/VOL.8/APPB, created by women and run by women and some few men (with not more than 20% membership) to improve on the livelihood of Cameroonians and safeguard our environment for the future generation.

CAWAS works to promote sustainable development and has a mission to fight poverty in all aspects so as to improve the livelihoods of women, their children and family. The rural areas in the North West Region of Cameroon, where we are based, depend heavily on agriculture for survival and food crop cultivation is mostly done by women.

We are made up of committed members with women having more than 80% membership, who share the same goal which is to make the community a better place for everyone to live in through empowering women and the girl child.

We strongly believe that if a woman is empowered the community can sustainably stand on its feet. We are officially registered and backed by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family.

So far our Finances have been generated through members who happily do it while many offer services as resource persons.

CAWAS maintains a collaborative and partnership relationship with other community-based Organisations and NGOs who step in to offer professional services for free during Training programs and Workshops.

We also belong to a community of practice on Gender-Based Violence against people living with Disabilities under Cameroon Baptist Convention CBC, we are an active member of SNWOT a coalition formed to contribute in the restoration of peace in the on-going crisis in the NW/SW Regions of the country and an education cluster member in the North West Region under UNICEF.

Over the last few years we have established ourselves as an organization committed towards the welfare and empowerment of women, working children and the vulnerable.