Teenage Girls Empowerment Workshop

The project was officially opened on Tuesday the 13th of August 2019 which was programmed to run for five days. By 8:30 am the hall was occupied by about 80 anxious-looking registered participants, some organizers, some invited personalities and some resource persons.

A word of prayer was offered by a volunteer participant, introduction of resource persons and the CAWAS team, a welcome speech delivered by the CAWAS Delegate and a short speech from the representative of the Regional Delegate of Women Empowerment and the Family.

The first presentation for the workshop was on building and improving self-esteem in teenage girls presented by Mary Therese Ngwa a CAWAS member who had an interactive session with the girls encouraging them to believe in themselves and to learn to be self-confident. A short break was given where they danced and had their snacks.

The delegate Leiny

uy Saber then followed with Team Building bringing it in the workshop context that led to the creation of five teams in which the teams were to choose their leaders, team names, team song, team motto and their goals.

The activity got the girls to work and came out with leaders, amazing team names, song, motto and goals. Susan Bright being the resource person on Ankara introduced the materials to be used for the production of Ankara and the workshop closed for the day.


Accomplishments of the Workshop

  • Girls can produce earrings, bangles, clutches and sandals from Ankara material
  • Girls can produce peanuts and package for the market
  • Girls can produce powder soap locally known as “omo’.
  • Girls are aware that they have to report any case of violence on them and how to identify violence.
  • They now know that they can believe in themselves and build self-confidence and not give room for anybody to bring them down because of their nature or their limitations.
  • Girls can manage their nutrition for them to be healthy and during crisis season
  • Girls know that they have the right to dream big but to also work hard to realize their dreams
  • Girls know that they can be leaders it doesn’t matter where you find yourself but if it requires to take action then they shouldn’t seat back and just watch.
  • Girls learned that they can be big entrepreneurs in the future by starting their own businesses now no matter how small it is. They know that the need to be determined, passionate, persistent, hardworking and above all truthful.
  • Girls can manage teams and make them productive and sustainable.

Benefits to the Community

100 teenage girls have been empowered in Capacity Building and Income generating activities. Some of these teenage girls are internally displaced due to the ongoing crises while some are teenage mothers. After being trained on topics like

Gender-based violence, leadership, menstruation and hygiene, building and improving on their self-esteem, nutrition and malnutrition during crisis and setting objectives for life many girls have been prevented from engaging themselves in acts that will pose a danger to them and to their communities like prostitution, drug abuse, stealing, tolerating rape and sexual violence, etc.

Recommendations from Participants

  • The setting of ground rules which were neglected
  • More workshops
  • Provision of transport
  • Camping facilities
  • Inclusive facilities for persons living with disabilities.