CAWAS Cameroon joins the world voices against menstruation stigma

CAWAS Cameroon joins the world voices against menstruation stigma. In a workshop aimed at reducing menstruation stigma through creating menstrual education and hygiene clubs, varied issues were raised to reiterate the message that girls and women can bleed freely. Both boys, girls, men, women, parents, teachers were in attendance as important stakeholders to pomoting menstrual education and hygiene for the school girl. 

CAWAS has as objective to create 10 sustaiable menstrual hygiene clubs in 10 secondary schools by December 2023. CAWAS is willing to partner with any school that is interested. 

Some dignity kits were handed to the girl participants, the 1st club created and leadership handed to the school and club members. CAWAS Keeps playing a technical support role to the clubs.





